ALERANA® Rinse balsam for all hair types
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Active components
The balsam contains a combination of active components that provide combined effect: improve nourishment and strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair loss, restore hair structure, enhance natural hair shine

Recommended for making hair healthier, for restoration and appearance improvement
  • intensifies metabolism, providing active nourishment for hair follicles
  • strengthens adhesion of pells on hair stems
  • restores hair structure and reduces its fragility
  • has strong moisturizing effect
  • makes brushing easier and render hair shine
The rinser balsam contains
  • hair growth stimulants based on plant extracts
  • moisturizers contributing to preservation of natural hair moisture
  • proteins restoring hair structure
Bottle, 200 ml

  • Natural nettle and burdock extracts stop hair loss process and contribute to growth of strong and healthy hair, intensify metabolism, render healthy hair shine.
  • Ceramides favourably impact the structure of damaged hair, make adhesion between cuticle pells stronger, eliminate damages and cell peeling on hair stems. Ceramides increase hair volume, shine and strength
  • Tansy extracts prevent hair loss, reduce fragility, contribute to dandruff treatment.
  • Keratin penetrates in deep layers of hair, eliminates damages and makes adhesion of pells on hair stems stronger, protecting hair against dryness and fragility
  • Betain is a natural component extracted from sugar beet. Provides prolonged moisturizing of hair and head skin, contributes to natural hair moisture keeping, acts as a conditioner, and enhances natural hair shine.
  • Provitamin B5 (panthenol) demonstrates strong moisturizing effect, restores hair structure and damaged split ends, reduces hair lamination and loss, improves appearance and makes brushing easier. Panthenol stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastin, and improves strength of collagen fibres.

Apply on wet hair, distribute throughout hair full length. Leave for 3 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Suitable for long-term application. To achieve maximum result, use regularly after application of ALERANA® shampoo.
