ALERANA® Rinser balsam Deep restoration
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Active components
The ALERANA® balsam complex of active components has been designed for hair nourishment, restoration and strengthening throughout its full length.

It is recommended for deep restoration of damaged hair, for its strengthening and growth.


Specially tailored composition provides deep effect of hair stems:
  • saturates hair with nutrient elements
  • compensates keratin deficiency in hair stems
  • provides targeted restoration depending on damage depth and area
  • improves hair elasticity and shine
  • contributes to hair growth and strengthening

 The rinser balsam contains 
  • biomimetic keratin – human hair natural keratin analogue
  • components saturating hair with nutrient elements
  • components enhancing hair shine
  • plant-based hair growth stimulant 

Bottle, 200 ml

  • Biomimetic keratin provides targeted restoration of damaged hair from roots to ends. Compensates keratin deficiency throughout the full damage area and depth. The unique formula duplicates the amino acid sequence of natural keratin from human hair, providing better restoration.  
  • Sweet flag extract improves blood circulation in head skin, makes hair follicles stronger, stimulates hair growth. Provides detoxing effect, protects hair against negative external factors (such as temperature drops, atmosphere pollution etc.).  
  • The aloe extract saturates skin and hair with nutrient elements, provides rapid cell renewal, and increases hair growth.  
  • Abyssinian oil enhances natural hair shine, maintains its healthy sheen and well-groomed appearance. It improves hair brushing and prevents fragility.  
  • Panthenol has strong moisturizing effect, restores hair structure and damaged split ends, improves its appearance. Panthenol stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastin, and improves strength of collagen fibres.

Apply on wet hair, distribute throughout hair full length. Leave for 3 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Suitable for long-term application. To achieve maximum result, use regularly after application of ALERANA® shampoo.
